So Law360 reports. The nominees are Christine S. Wilson, Senior Vice President for Regulatory and International Affairs at Delta and Noah Joshua Phillips, chief counsel to Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas.
Category Archives: Federal Trade Commission
Law360 has the story here. The FTC has only one other commissioner at the moment, though the president has nominated two other commissioners, Joseph Simons and Rohit Chopra.
WaPo has a report, headlined How robo-callers outwitted the government and completely wrecked the Do Not Call list, reporting that the FTC receives 19,000 complaints per day from people on the Do-Not-Call list about robocallers. The FTC not only does not have the resources to do much about it, but when it tries, its efforts are […]
by Jeff Sovern Rohit Chopra, of the Consumer Federation of America, recently served at the CFPB and obviously has experience with consumer protection issues. Simons, who formerly served as director of the FTC's competition bureau, is currently at Paul Weiss. I don't know what experience, if any, he has on the types of consumer protection […]
Here. Excerpt: In the area of national advertising, Pahl listed three priorities that indicate a return to a more traditional, conservative approach to law enforcement. First, he said the agency will focus on “fraud” and “quasi-fraud,” similar to the agency’s historic approach to deceptive weight loss and dietary supplement claims. A second priority is health […]
The HIll has the story here. Chopra has a strong record of protecting consumers, having been the student loan ombudsman at the CFPB, and is currently at the Consumer Federation of America (we quoted him just last week). The FTC currently has two commissioners in place out of five, one from each major party, and cannot […]
by Jeff Sovern The Department of Justice has now filed its brief in PHH, arguing that the CFPB as created by the Dodd-Frank Act was unconstitutional because the statute did not give the president the power to fire the Bureau's director without cause, and that the appropriate remedy is the one selected by the original […]
by Jeff Sovern As an independent agency, the CFPB can issue regulations without approval from the Office of Management and Budget. But the House has now passed a bill that would require OMB to review major regulations promulgated by independent agencies, including the CFPB and the FTC (though the FTC seldom produces regulations, a topic […]
by Jeff Sovern Here. Here's something they say about transferring the Bureau's authority to the FTC: Transferring all federal consumer protection authority to the Federal Trade Commission, the agency with vast regulatory experience in assessing practices affecting consumer financial services markets, would dramatically improve the federal regulatory framework for consumer financial protection. Maybe Heritage should have paid […]
The WSJ recently published Companies Seek to Sway Trump Administration on FTC Choice (behind pay wall) about who the next FTC chair will be. Google's rivals want Utah AG Sean Reyes, while acting chair Maureen Ohlhausen remains a possibility. Commissioner Ohlhausen is seen as more accommodating to Google because of an earlier antitrust decision in which she […]