We've received the following Call for Papers:
4th CFPB Research Conference on Consumer Finance
December 12th–13th, 2019
This December, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will host its fourth research
conference on consumer finance at Catholic University in Washington, DC. Information on prior
conferences can be found here: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/cfpbresearch-conference/
We encourage the submission of a variety of research. This includes, but is not limited to, work
on: the ways consumers and household make decisions about borrowing, saving, and financial
risk-taking; how various forms of credit (mortgage, student loans, credit cards, installment
loans, etc.) affect household well-being; how salience of product fees and terms affect saving and
borrowing; the structure and functioning of consumer financial markets; distinct and
underserved populations; and relevant innovations in modeling or data, including the use of
alternative data.
A deliberate aim of the conference is to connect the core community of consumer finance
researchers and policymakers with the best research being conducted across the wide range of
disciplines and approaches that can inform the topic. Disciplines from which we hope to receive
submissions include, but are not limited to, economics, law and economics, and cognitive
The conference’s scientific committee includes:
• Michael Baye (Indiana University)
• Ken Brevoort (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
• Jeremy Bulow (Stanford University)
• Liran Einav (Stanford University)
• Gregory Elliehausen (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
• Robert M. Hunt (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
• Brian Melzer (Dartmouth College)
• Tom Miller (Mississippi State University)
• Janis K. Pappalardo (Federal Trade Commission)
• Wilbert van der Klaauw (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Authors may submit complete papers or detailed abstracts that include preliminary results. All
submissions should be made in electronic PDF format to CFPB_ResearchConference@cfpb.gov
by Tuesday, September 3, 2019.
Please remember to include contact information on the cover page for the corresponding author.
Please submit questions or concerns to CFPB_ResearchConference@cfpb.gov.
Travel expenses will be provided for the presenting author of each accepted paper in the