Two stories on net neutrality

The Washington Post today had two stories on the Federal Communications Commission's repeal of the net neutrality rule that are worth reading:

First, in "The net neutrality lawsuits are coming. Here’s what they’re likely to say," technology correspondent Brian Fung anticipates the arguments of state attorneys general and consumer groups expected to challenge the repeal of the rule. The article is here.

Second, in "Days after the FCC repealed its net neutrality rules, the GOP has a bill to replace them," the Post reports on a new bill that would replace some — but not all — of the rule:

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.) on Tuesday unveiled what she is calling the Open Internet Preservation Act. The bill restores two of the most important provisions of the FCC's net neutrality rules: a ban on the blocking of websites, as well as a ban on the slowing of websites. It also includes the same public disclosure requirements Internet providers must abide by under the FCC's decision from last week.

The bill also directs the FCC to enforce the legislation by setting up an inbox for net neutrality complaints and adjudicating them. But

the bill omits a third plank of the FCC's 2015 net neutrality rules: The ban on “paid prioritization,” or the ability of Internet providers to speed up certain websites in exchange for money.

The full article is here.

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