Two new lawsuits challenge conduct of Trump's "Election Integrity" Commission.
ACLU v. Trump maintains that the Commission is meeting in secret and hiding its records in violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Read the complaint here.
And then there is Public Citizen v. U.S. Department of the Army, which Public Citizen describes this way:
The Privacy Act prohibits any agency from collecting, using, maintaining, or disseminating records describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. The Vice Chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity asked the states to submit such information to the Army, including voter history and political party affiliation. By accepting this data, the Army would violate the Privacy Act’s prohibition on collecting such information; and by allowing the Commission to download this data, the Army would violate the Privacy Act’s prohibition on disseminating this information. Public Citizen therefore filed suit on behalf of its members to prevent the Army from collecting, maintaining, or disseminating the data.