Some personal news: I have joined the faculty at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law

I am thrilled to report that I have been named the Michael Millemann Professor of Consumer Protection Law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Michael Millemann is a long time Maryland faculty member who has been a leader in many areas of the law, including consumer law, and it’s an honor to get to work with him. You can read more about him here. My favorite story about him (so far) is about how when he was in the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, he brought a successful case against former Vice President Spiro Agnew to recover the bribes Agnew took. The case was based on a constructive trust theory. Millemann argued that Agnew had waived the attorney-client privilege in a book Agnew had written and so was able to put Agnew’s attorney on the stand.

Here is Maryland’s announcement.

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