New study on forced workplace arbitration

The National Employment Lawyers Association Institute has just released this report about forced arbitration in the workplace. Here's how the Institute describes the report:

Authored by Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Prof. Imre S. Szalai, this groundbreaking report finds that 80 percent of Fortune 100 companies use arbitration in their employment documents, nearly half of which contain class and collective action bans. Among those companies that use arbitration to resolve employment disputes, at least half force arbitration on employees as a condition of employment. 
By identifying which of America’s most powerful companies have imposed arbitration on employees, this report makes a unique and essential contribution to the public’s understanding of the magnitude of the threat arbitration poses to America’s workers. Please feel free to share this important work with others, using the hashtag #FairNotForced on social media. Together, we will advance equality and justice in the American workplace.

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