We received the following call for papers:
The 2021 Global Forum for Financial Consumers (GFFC)
Organized by International Academy of Financial Consumers (IAFICO)
Call for Papers (1st)
August 6th ~ 7th, 2021
Format: Online & onsite webinar
Onsite venue: Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea
Theme: Financial Consumer Protection
Linking Theories & Evidences to Policy Practices
The 2021 Global Forum for Financial Consumers (GFFC), the annual conference organized by IAFICO, will be held on August 6th~7th in a hybrid format of online-onsite webinar. This year’s theme for the Conference will be “Financial Consumer Protection (FCP): Linking Theories and Evidences to Policy Practices,” under which the organizers would like to invite on-going research papers, both theoretical and empirical, on those behavioral patterns and policy practices that are relevant to FCP. Topics of interest will include, but not limited to, financial literacy and wellbeing, digital divide and its remedies, business ethics and other means of self-regulation, alternative legal and regulatory frameworks, conflict resolution mechanisms, and behavioral inducement (“nudge”) in both demand- and supply-side of financial markets. We hope and expect the meeting to be a valuable forum for exchanging and sharing ideas among colleagues from a diverse set of countries.
Research topics of relevancy:
▪ Financial literacy and wellbeing
▪ Digital divide and its remedies
▪ Business ethics and other self-regulations
▪ Alternative legal/regulatory frameworks
▪ Conflict resolution mechanisms
▪ Behavioral inducement (nudge) for FCP
▪ Sectoral (insurance∙lending∙investment) issues of relevancy
Important dates:
▪ Deadline for abstract submission: May 15
▪ Notification for acceptance: May 31
▪ Deadline for full paper submission: June 30
▪ Abstract/paper submission, through:
IAFICO e-mail (iafico@kdis.ac.kr);
IAFICO website (https://www.iafico.org)
▪ Financial literacy and wellbeing
▪ Digital divide and its remedies
▪ Business ethics and other self-regulations
▪ Alternative legal/regulatory frameworks
▪ Conflict resolution mechanisms
▪ Behavioral inducement (nudge) for FCP
▪ Sectoral (insurance∙lending∙investment) issues of relevancy
Important dates:
▪ Deadline for abstract submission: May 15
▪ Notification for acceptance: May 31
▪ Deadline for full paper submission: June 30
▪ Abstract/paper submission, through:
IAFICO e-mail (iafico@kdis.ac.kr);
IAFICO website (https://www.iafico.org)
Contact people are: Mr. Dongwook Kim, ehddnr14@kdis.ac.kr and Mr. Jeongyun Lee, jylee0628@gmail.com