The symposium is scheduled for Feb. 28, 2013, 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM, at the UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF LAW (registration by Feb. 26). The announcement states:
Mandatory disclosure is a popular form of regulation. From privacy to healthcare, politics to “payola,” laws requiring disclosure have proliferated in recent decades. This symposium features panel discussions by top scholars and practitioners on why we love—or love to hate—disclosure, why it seems to never work, and what solutions exist.
Preliminary Schedule, Subject to Change
Dean Kathryn Watts
The Failure of Mandated Disclosure
Professor Carl Schneider, University of Michigan Law School
Responses to The Failure of Mandated Disclosure
Professors Richard Craswell, Stanford University Law School and Ryan Calo, UW School of Law
Disclosure: Alternative Contexts and Responses
Moderated by: Elizabeth Porter, UW School of Law
Panelists: Jeremy Sheff, St. John's University School of Law, Zahr Said, UW School of Law and Woodrow N. Hartzog, Cumberland School of Law Samford University
Disclosure in the Online Environment
Moderated by: Martin Kaste, National Public Radio, Correspondent, National Desk, Seattle
Panelists: Deven Desai, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Kathryn Decker, Federal Trade Commission, and Susan Lyon, Cooley, LLP
Keynote Presentation by U.S. Attorney Jenny A. Durkan
Introduction by Dean Kellye Y. Testy
More information here.