Brad Wolverton's article, Your Wallet Will Suffer If This Agency Is Gutted, is an excellent roundup of the Bureau's accomplishments that cuts across a variety of areas, including student loans, credit cards, debt collection, mortgages, payday loans, credit reporting agencies, auto lending, consumer complaints, military protections, and arbitration. Excerpt:
Collectively, for every $1 in federal spending on the agency, more than $4 has been placed back in consumers’ pockets, a review by NerdWallet found. The agency has saved or returned to Americans $12 billion, while costing taxpayers $2.9 billion to operate over that period.
Other improvements, felt by virtually all consumers, have come in the form of lower costs, a more stable economy and new power to resolve individual disputes with financial institutions.
These facts must be widely publicized and the CFPD must be saved !!