Guest post by Neil Sobol:
As part of an article in which I advocate for the incorporation of consumer law issues in first-year law classes, I requested my research assistant, Spencer Lockwood, to update the consumer law offerings chart reported in Jeff Sovern's post in 2019. Spencer surveyed 201 ABA accredited law schools via their websites. He organized the data by category: (1) "consumer-related classes," which refers to courses that historically contain consumer law topics, (2) "consumer-specific classes," which refers to course offerings that have "consumer" in their names, and (3) two similarly named and defined consumer clinic categories.
He found that, in total, accredited law schools offer 705 consumer-related classes and 100 consumer-specific classes. In sum, about 48% of them offer at least one consumer-specific class. Moreover, about 10% of schools offer at least one consumer-specific clinic. Because it is likely that some course information is outdated on schools' websites, we request the assistance of the consumer law academy. Please send any corrections to so that I can update the chart. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Download Neil Sobol Chart_Consumer Law Offerings-Aug 6 2020