More Recess-Appointment Fallout: Republicans Introduce Bills to Freeze Work at the NLRB and the CFPB

As Todd Ruger explains in this National Law Journal article, "Senate Republicans are looking to stop work at the National Labor
Relations Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
piggybacking on a federal appeals court ruling that invalidated some of
President Barack Obama's controversial recess appointments."

0 thoughts on “More Recess-Appointment Fallout: Republicans Introduce Bills to Freeze Work at the NLRB and the CFPB

  1. Max Kennerly says:

    To me, it’s another example of how the Senate can get away with all kinds of garbage these days. Filibusters no longer require anyone actually filibustering, and now sessions no longer require the Senate actually be in session. Rules exist for a reason; if a party is not willing to actually hold the floor, or to keep the Senate in session, they should not be allowed to use the procedural tactics applicable thereto.

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