To quote law prof Orly Lobel, "gig workers" are "people who provide contracted, freelance work on a short-term basis via digital platform technologies." Uber drivers are well-known examples. Lobel goes on: "Gig workers are drivers, delivery-people, personal assistants, handymen, cleaners, cooks, dog-sitters, and babysitters, but increasingly are also more specialized professionals, including nurses, doctors, teachers, programmers, journalists, marketing specialists and, well yes, lawyers too. For example, the rising startup InCloudCounsel, offers an army of lawyers providing on demand, routine legal services." In The Gig Economy & The Future of Employment and Labor Law Lobel describes how the law might treat these workers. Here is the abstract:
In April 2016, Professor Orly Lobel delivered the 12th Annual Pemberton Lecture at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Lobel asks, what is the future of employment and labor law protections when reality is rapidly transforming the ways we work? What is the status of gig work and what are the rights as well as duties of gig workers? She proposes four paths for systematic reform, where each path is complementary rather than mutually exclusive to the others. The first path is to clarify and simplify the notoriously malleable classification doctrine; the second is to expand certain employment protections to all workers, regardless of classification, or in other words to altogether reject classification; the third is to create special rules for intermediate categories; and the fourth is to disassociate certain social protections from the work.
Read “RAW DEAL” by Steven Hill