Here is the opening of the New York Times article on Gottlieb's resignation:
Scott Gottlieb, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, known for his aggressive efforts to regulate the tobacco and e-cigarette industries, said on Tuesday that he would resign at the end of the month.The reason he gave was family and his weariness with commuting to see his wife and three children, who have remained in their Westport, Conn. home since he took office. But his announcement caught many in Washington and the industries he regulates by surprise and raised questions about whether his push to reduce teenage vaping and lower nicotine levels and ban menthol in cigarettes will continue in an administration that generally has a hands-off approach to business.
For other articles on the surprise resignation, go here, here, here (concerning Gottlieb's "legacy"), and here.
That’s probably due to the recent investments into e-cigarettes by big tobacco. Obviously e-cigarettes are a sague into smoking tobacco which is the goal of the purveyors of the product. Most likely Scott Gottlieb was under pressure from not only lobbyists, but probably members of the administration. The evidence that America has become one of the most corrupt nations in the world is overwhelming to many citizens. It’s a well-known fact that practically all politicians are involved in receiving graft from corporations who require allegiance and favoritism from Congress. Our Representatives in Washington are selling votes to maintain the status quo and retain their power in Congress. Soon America will collapse under the weight of corruption as evidenced by the exponential growth of the national debt. Until we punish politicians,Judges, and corporations for their very obvious crimes being committed openly and notoriously we will continue to spiral into the abyss. The e-cigarette issue involving Scott Gottlieb is just another incident exposing corruption regardless of the spin assigned by officials who willing to cover-up the for nefarious behavior by corporations.