We've received the following Call for Papers, which overlaps with consumer law issues:
Racial Capitalism:
An Elaboration in Legal Scholarship
As a journal dedicated to social, racial, and economic justice, the Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development (JCRED) is soliciting articles for Racial Capitalism, an Elaboration in Legal Scholarship, our forthcoming symposium issue. This issue will explore the legal dimensions of our capitalist political economy and its systemically racist nature.
We are in a moment which calls for a legal analysis that grapples with the reality of Racial Capitalism in our society. From the racially disparate harms of the COVID-19 pandemic to the calls from the Black Lives Matter Movement to #DefundPolice, the racialized nature of our capitalist political economy has become impossible to overlook.
To advance this conversation in legal scholarship, the Journal seeks to publish the work of scholars, practitioners, and advocates, who creatively and incisively explore the legal dimensions of Racial Capitalism and what lies beyond its horizon.
The deadline to submit an abstract for consideration is October 1st, 2020, with full length articles from selected authors to be due January 6th, 2021. Along with publication in this symposium issue, a handful of authors will be selected to each receive a $500 honorarium and participate in a virtual panel discussion on Racial Capitalism in the Spring. For additional details and instructions for submission, please visit https://www.jcred.org/news-and-events/racial-capitalism.
If you have any questions about this call for papers or the Journal, please contact the Research & Symposium Director, Jay Hedges, jay.hedges18@stjohns.edu.