Call for papers on commerical and related consumer law from the Association of American Law Schools

The Association of American Law Schools (AALS) is calling for papers from scholars in commercial and consumer law for presentation at its annual meeting in January 2015. The "call" is reproduced after the jump.

AALS Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law

Call for Papers

Emerging Scholars in Commercial and Consumer Law

The AALS Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its program during the AALS 2015 Annual Meeting.  The Annual Meeting is currently scheduled to take place in Washington, DC from January 2-6, 2015.

As we all know, no area of the law is ever static.  New cases and issues arise that inform and challenge our thinking about existing laws and policies.  Such is the case for commercial and consumer law.  Whether concerning issues related to financial products, secured lending, arbitration, and the like, commercial and consumer law continue to evolve.  Central to this evolution is the emergence of new scholars who contribute their voices and perspectives to these areas of the law.  This panel will provide the valuable opportunity for pre-tenured professors to present and discuss their work with others in the field.  Panelists are welcome to discuss any topic related to commercial and/or consumer law.  Program and eligibility details are below.    


Professor Tracie R. Porter, Western State College of Law


Professor Andrea Freeman, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa William S. Richardson School of Law

Professor Dalié Jiménez, University of Connecticut School of Law

Professor David Min, University of California, Irvine School of Law

Two speakers to be selected from a call for papers

Submission requirements:

Format:  There is no formal requirement as to the form or length of proposals.  Preference will be given to proposals that are substantially complete and to papers that offer novel scholarly insights.  A paper may have already been accepted for publication as long as it will not be published prior to the Annual Meeting.  The Section does not have plans to publish the papers, so individual presenters are free to seek their own publishing opportunities.

Eligibility:     Since the goal of the program is to provide opportunities for pre-tenured professors, panelists selected from the Call for Papers must not have received tenure at their institution by January 15, 2015.  Per AALS rules, only full-time faculty members of AALS member law schools are eligible to submit a paper to a Section’s call for papers.  Fellows from AALS member law schools are also eligible to submit a paper but must include a CV with their proposal.  Faculty at fee-paid law schools, visiting faculty with no full time appointment at a member school, international and adjunct faculty members, graduate students, and non-law school faculty are not eligible to submit.  All panelists, including speakers selected from this Call for Papers, are responsible for paying their own annual meeting registration fee and travel expenses.

Deadline:  AUGUST 15, 2014.  Please email submissions, in Word or PDF format, to the Program Committee c/o Eboni Nelson at with “CFP Submission” in the subject line.