The Hill reports on a concrete example this week of international trade rules interfering with U.S. regulatory policy:
The House passed legislation late Wednesday that would repeal country-of-origin labeling requirements for beef, pork and chicken products.
Why the change?
The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled last month against the U.S. appeal to keep its existing country-of-origin labeling regulation for imported cuts of beef and pork. The regulation, issued in 2013, would require meat labels state where the livestock was born, raised and slaughtered.
A lot of consumers care where their meat is coming from, for health or other reasons, but international trade law, it seems, will be putting a stop to that.
One can expect this is only a taste of what's to come if the Trans-Pacific Partnership and its industry-favoring dispute mechanisms become law (as we've discussed).
Here's the whole Hill story.