The American Banker reports on state efforts to pass consumer privacy laws, including laws passed others under consideration. The article is here.
The American Banker reports on state efforts to pass consumer privacy laws, including laws passed others under consideration. The article is here.
My wife and I have had perfect credit for our 57 years of marriage during which we have saved over $200,000 in interest charges. We zero out ALL accounts on the 1st and 15th of each month. Our credit scores by FICO are invariably condemned 70 to 140 points always for the same two reasons: Lack of a home loan or auto loan.
This is simply fabricated score denigration. We are willing to share our credit reports to illustrate widespread credit reporting and score abuse. Few people realize the PRIMARY product these firms have to sell their clients is ADVERSE real, perceived, or fabricated personal information.
Kenneth J Benner, Pres. Emeritus,
American Council on Consumer Awareness, Inc.