More on the eBay Arbitration Opt-Out Campaign

Last Friday, we told you about eBay's anti-class-action arbitration policy and the campaign urging consumers to opt out of eBay's arbitration clause, which seeks to bar consumers' access to the courts. The campaign has been getting a lot of notice from on-line consumer advocacy sites, such as eCOMMERCEBYTES, Tech Crunch, and The Consumerist. Join the […]

Soda Vending Machines To Display Calorie Information

As explained in this Huff-Po story . . . As criticism over sugary sodas intensifies, Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper are rolling out new vending machines that will put calorie counts right at your fingertips.The move comes ahead of a new [federal] regulation that would require restaurant chains and vending machines to post calorie information […]

Federal Court Rejects Honda’s Effort to Force Auto Safety Class Action Into Arbitration

Businesses these days will go to great lengths to force their customers into arbitration and deny them access to the civil justice system. Sometimes that extends to trying to enforce an arbitration agreement that the customer is not a party to; other times, that extends to trying to enforce an arbitration agreement that the company […]

The Fine Print, a Fine Read on How a Rigged Economy Harms Consumers

by Theresa Amato [guest post] [cross-posted from] The Fine Print, a Fine Read on How a Rigged Economy Harms Consumers Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter David Cay Johnston asks why the United States ranks forty-seventh out of 224 countries in infant mortality, forty-sixth in the share of our economy spent on public education, thirty-seventh in the […]

Review Granted by Supreme Court in Open Government Case

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear McBurney v. Young, which presents the following question: Under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV and the dormant Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, may a state preclude citizens of other states from enjoying the same right of access to public records that the state […]

Paper on Forum Shopping in Debt Collection

Judith L. Fox of Notre Dame has written How Forum Determines Substance in Judicial Debt Collection, 31 Banking and Financial Services Rev. 11 (August 2012). Here's the abstract: In an email to the Small Claims Task Force, a committee appointed by the Indiana Supreme Court to investigate allegations of abuse in the Marion County Small […]

Join the Campaign Against eBay’s Unfair Forced Arbitration Policy!

Recently, we've discussed (here and here) eBay's terrible new forced arbitration clause that prohibits its customers from going to court and bans class actions. Class actions are often the only way to hold corporations accountable when they break the law and harm their customers. We told you that eBay is trying to give the world […]

Pay-for-Delay Settlements Go to the Supreme Court

In a pay-for-delay settlement, a brand-name drug company pays a generic company that has challenged the brand-name company's patent to stay out of the market. Some early antitrust challenges to these settlements succeeded, but later court of appeals' rulings gave them a green light. But, as we discussed in this post in July, the Third Circuit […]