NACA Paid Summer Consumer Law Fellowship, Including for 1Ls

We received the following announcement:

The National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) is pleased to announce its first annual Summer Consumer Law Fellowship Project. The Fellowship will pay a $5,000 stipend to at least five (5) students who spend the summer months working for a NACA member non-profit, legal-aid, or private consumer law firm on consumer protection issues. 

We hope that the fellowship will provide students with the opportunity to learn about consumer protection law and help them explore possible career opportunities in our field.

Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in public interest consumer law and in serving low- and moderate-income consumers. All law students are eligible, and first year law students are encouraged to apply.

A more complete description of the fellowship, including the application, can be found here: The application deadline is April 19, 2024.


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