It's to be published next month by Cambridge and sounds like an important contribution. Here's a description:
The Foreclosure Echo tells the story of the ordinary people whose quest for the American dream was crushed in the foreclosure crisis when they were threatened with losing their homes. The authors, Linda E. Fisher and Judith Fox – each with decades of experience defending low-to-moderate-income people from foreclosure and predatory lending practices – have employed a range of legal, economic, and social-science research to document these stories, showing not only how people experienced the crisis, but also how lenders and public institutions failed to protect them. The book also describes the ongoing effects of the crisis – including vacant land and abandoned buildings – and how these conditions have exacerbated the economic plight of millions of people who lost their homes and have increased inequality across the country. This book should be read by anyone who wants to understand the fallout of the last financial crisis and learn what we can do now to avoid another one.
- Provides specific examples, through stories, of how the law affects real people
- Illustrates the implications of law and policy to help readers see and feel the implications
- Makes concrete policy and legal recommendations, based on evidence, legal experience and clients' situations
More information here.
Many victims of the epidemic of foreclosure fraud that occurred between 2008 – 2012 are still suffering from the repercussions of illegal foreclosures that were ratified in 2009. Many victims like myself were included in the National Mortgage Settlement and or The Independent Foreclosure Review (my foreclosure was included in both settlements) whose foreclosures were declared defective or fraudulent, like mine, are still suffering from the affects of their illegal actions. Banks that were included in the settlements were supposed to protect victims from further actions as a result of their illegal foreclosures. Many post foreclosure financial schemes are still destroying the same people who were violated by unconstitutional foreclosures that Servicers and Substitute Trustees engaged in that triggered the Settlements and the Consent Decrees signed by TBTF Banks.
The economy will continue to lag because millions of victims from the 2008 crisis (like my family) are still being destroyed by post foreclosure actions filed by entities using the same fraudulent documents that were used in the 2008 – 2012 illegal foreclosures. Until the courts recognize the victims rights included in the Settlements, than the victims will never obtain justice for the crimes that were committed to ruin their lives and leave them destroyed without any remedy.