Essay on common characteristics and problems in aggregated litigation

In The Continuum of Aggregation, law prof Alexi Lahav discusses the commonalities in various types of aggregated litigation. Here is the abstract:

This essay, written for a conference marking the fiftieth anniversary of the multidistrict litigation statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1407, traces the evolution in thinking about aggregation, analyzes the forms of aggregate litigation — the class action, multidistrict litigation (MDL), and bankruptcy — and describes how while they were at first understood to be separate phenomena, they are now understood to comprise a continuum for resolving large-scale disputes. Mass litigation is like water: the cases will move to the form of litigation that is the most likely to lead to closure, be it the class action, a consolidation of individual cases under the auspices of the MDL, or bankruptcy. All forms of aggregation raise the same three problems: (i) horizontal equity between claimants, (ii) the agent-principal problem between claimants and their lawyers, and (iii) the defendants’ and the system’s need for global resolution of litigation.


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