by Jeff Sovern
The title of the piece, in The New Republic, is The Left’s Misguided Debate Over Kamala Harris. Perhaps non-Californians will be less interested in the parts about Kamala Harris and more interested in the parts about foreclosure victims (recall that Dayen wrote the excellent book Chain of Title about the foreclosure crisis). Here is an excerpt:
[I]f you were to rank the performance of law enforcement officials during this period, everyone would be tied for last. They all deserve criticism for their inability to hold the perpetrators of the biggest incidence of consumer fraud in American history to account. They all displayed shocking cowardice and let down millions of vulnerable people, when they had reams of documentary evidence revealing the crime, enough to extract much more justice and far better outcomes for the victimized. They all ushered in the two-tiered system of justice that sapped people’s faith in democracy * * *
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Homeowner victims have spent the past decade largely invisible from public debate. The only time their plight gets highlighted is when somebody has an axe to grind against a particular public official. Only then do homeowners get trotted out for sympathy, as if the country didn’t ignore them for years. This is the problem with a politics of personality, which is consumed more with doling out praise and blame for high-profile politicians than demanding justice for broad social problems. It’s time the left put the issues back at the center of public debate.
“2008 Mortgage Theft Credit Bid Scheme”
Cohn, Goldberg, Deutsch, LLC Felonies Continue!
Deliberately processing foreclosures illegally, Substitute Trustee CGD and Bank of America, NA (BANA) committed many felonies. CGD uses erroneous accounting fees, false affidavit, and BOGUS chains of title to cheat people out of “Lender Credit Bids” required under the law. This illegal accounting and auditors report scam is used to steal from NMS & IFR victims. CGD’s known violations of law, misdemeanors and felonies, were included in the National Mortgage Settlement and the Independent Foreclosure Review.
CGD uses fraud to steal “Lender Credit Bids” and then hands off illegal, fraudulent, and PAID IN FULL debts for RICO scam (forgeries or copies of trust notes) to criminal associate Dyck-O’Neal, Inc. RICO partners CGD and Dyck use counterfeit documents creating FAKE debts to threaten NMS/IFR victims to steal money NOT OWED.
When victims of the NMS or IFR dispute untrue facts, DYCK hands off to Parker, Simon, Kokolis who forward their counterfeit/FAKE doc financial crimes into Maryland Circuit Courts. DYCK & PSKLLC use graft, payola, and bribery to obtain illegal default or summary judgments for self gain.
Dyck-O’Neal, Inc. routinely commits felonies against National Mortgage Settlement and Independent Foreclosure Review victims by pursuing them with FAKE documents using Parker, Simon, and Kokolis to file cases…Perpetuating NMS & IFR crimes everyday.