We received the following call for papers. More information is available here.
18th International Association of Consumer Law Conference (IACL)
Topic: Challenges and Unanswered Questions of Consumer Law
Abstract submission deadline: 16 December 2022
Feedback: 20 February 2023
Guidelines: max. 300 words, 5-7 keywords
Dates: Wednesday, 19 July 2023 – Friday, 21 July 2023
Venue: Rudolf Steiner Haus, Mittelweg 11-12, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
The 18th conference of the International Association of Consumer law will be organized around the theme of “Challenges and Unanswered Questions of Consumer Law”. We kindly invite participants from around the world to submit an abstract (max. 300 words, with a deadline of 16 December 2022) of a paper they would like to present during the conference. Abstracts and inquiries should be submitted to contact@iacl2023.com. Please note that no interpreters will be available for language translations.
The conference will run from approximately 9:00 AM on Wednesday, 19 July to 2:00 PM on Friday, 21 July 2023. It will be held at the Rudolf Steiner Haus in Hamburg, Germany. The goal of this conference is to provide a forum where leading international scholars, practitioners, representatives of consumer organizations, public authorities and business can gather together to present and discuss issues relevant to consumer protection in many sectors and from various perspectives. We welcome both theoretical and empirical submissions.
Conference organizers are hoping to offer a publication opportunity of selected papers in well-known journals. Furthermore, all papers will be published on the conference website. Nevertheless, all authors are free to publish their work in other venues as they choose.
Challenges and Unanswered Questions of Consumer Law. Technological developments in the area of consumption challenge traditional ideas of consumer contracts as only bilateral agreements. While traditional law focuses on institutions such as banks, insurance companies, department stores etc., technological developments increasingly lead to a focus on functions such as banking, insurance and sales, which can be offered by very different and less controlled entities. Intermediaries use the platform economy to link newcomers with consumers who may have different grades of access. Thus, supervisory institutions which are mostly organised on the national level lose influence while consumer contract law is increasingly relevant for issues of the public good.
Within the general theme, presenters might reflect on past successes (and failures) of consumer law and policy in a particular area of commerce, opportunities for moving consumer law in a different direction, or the potential threats to consumer welfare (particularly the impact of changes in the political landscape in some parts of the world). Papers focusing on consumer law in individual countries are welcome, as well as papers with an international focus.
See website for details on possible topics and other details.