Call for submissions on the FDA

Here is the first part of the call for submissions:

The Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) is pleased to solicit abstracts for the Food and Drug Law Journal 2024 Symposium, “From Past to Progress: Envisioning the Future of FDA Law and Regulation.” The Symposium will celebrate FDLI’s 75th Anniversary and its enduring contributions to the field of food and drug law by exploring the future of FDA regulation while reflecting on its historical foundations.

FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by regulating food, drugs, biologics, medical devices, tobacco, cosmetics, and more. As we look ahead to the next era of food and drug law, it is crucial to consider how FDA laws and regulations will adapt to emerging technologies, evolving public health challenges, and shifting societal expectations.

FDLI invites scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders to submit abstracts for articles including, but not limited to, topics such as:

  • Historical Perspectives: Reflect on the evolution of food and drug law over the past 75 years, highlighting key milestones, challenges, and successes.
  • Global Perspectives: Discuss the status and future of international collaborations and regulatory frameworks impacting FDA-regulated industry, including harmonization efforts and trade agreements.
  • Innovation and Compliance: Explore how FDA regulations can keep up with novel, fast-moving, and increasingly complex technologies, such as AI, personalized medicine, digital health technologies, and novel food products.
  • Ethical Considerations: Address ethical dilemmas in food and drug regulation, such as access to essential medicines, patient rights, and transparency in decision-making.

The Call for Abstracts closes on July 8, 2024, and authors of selected papers will be notified by July 19, 2024. Authors will submit a draft for discussion at the Symposium, taking place in Washington, DC on November 13, 2024. Finalized papers will be considered for publication in a future issue of the Food and Drug Law Journal.

For more information, go to Food and Drug Law Journal 2024 Symposium From Past to Progress: Envisioning the Future of FDA Law and Regulation – Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI)

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