We’ve received the following call for papers. Because recent standing cases like TransUnion and Spokeo have arisen in the context of consumer law and have had such an impact on consumer law, it may be that some readers of the blog have things to contribute.
Call for Papers: Join us on September 22 at the University of Chicago Law School for our Standing Doctrine Conference.
The Constitutional Law Institute invites draft papers on any aspect of the doctrine of standing. Article III of the Constitution confines the federal judicial power to “cases” and “controversies.” Under modern doctrine, courts enforce that requirement by demanding that plaintiffs in every case demonstrate “standing” to sue. In recent years, the doctrine has transformed and raised many new questions — legal, historical, and practical. Future decisions may well transform it still further.
Papers will be presented and discussed at the conference. Please submit any interested papers by August 1 to conlawinstitute@gmail.com. Chosen papers will be notified by August 15.