For the past 16 years, the Center for Consumer Law at the University of Houston Law Center has been presenting “Teaching Consumer Law,” the only conference specifically designed for those who teach or would like to teach consumer law. I thought you might be interested in the latest edition of the Conference, subtitled, “In a Virtual World.”
The Conference will be held in Santa Fe New Mexico, May 30-31. There will be more than 30 speakers, from both the academy and the bar, discussing a wide variety of topics. For more information, here is the brochure and registration form. Hotel rooms are reserved only through this Friday, May 9th.
If you do plan on attending, I suggest you fly into Albuquerque rather than Santa Fe. It probably will be less expensive and there are more connections. If you want to rent a car it is an easy drive of less than one hour, or you can get an inexpensive shuttle to Santa Fe that goes to the hotel. Hotel reservations can be made by calling the Santa Fe Hilton Hotel directly at 505.988.2811 or General Reservations at 800.HILTONS (800.445.8667). You must identify yourself as being with the “Teaching Consumer Law Conference,” group code UHL to receive the discounted rate.
For more information, feel free to contact Dean Richard Alderman, Director of the Center for Consumer Law, at, or 713-825-6068.