Author Archives: Paul Levy

Effort to Suppress Trump Niece’s Book Shows the Need to Construe NDA’s Narrowly

by Paul Alan Levy The lawsuit filed by Robert Trump against his niece, Mary Trump, seeking to block her from publishing a book that apparently has several damning facts to disclose about Robert’s brother, and Mary Trump’s uncle, our Dear Leader Donald J. Trump, is based on a non-disclosure clause that was part of the […]

A Shot Across the Bow for Copyright Trolls: Forcing Higbee Clients to Pay for Frivolous Demand Letters and Intimidation Tactics

by Paul Alan Levy As I have discussed in several previous posts, Mathew Higbee has built up a significant copyright enforcement business that depends on the issuance of threatening demand letters that are followed up by a small army of “compliance resolution specialists” who nag and threaten large awards of damages, the issuance of judgment […]

The copyrighted demand letter, redux

by Paul Alan Levy It’s been many years since John Dozier and his associates suffered the humiliation (and subjected their clients to the Streisand Effect) that followed from their habit of appending a threat of copyright infringement litigation to their defamation demand letters, but a newly minted “defamation attorney” from Houston named Paul Sternberg seems […]

Uncovering the land-deal details that Mulvaney’s lawyers are hiding

Over the past couple of years, there has been a fair amount of controversy about the role played by Trump Administration official Mick Mulvaney in a land deal gone bad and his efforts to manipulate the law to protect himself from losses while dumping the losses on his investors. The controversy came up during his […]

Libel tourism in Virginia again used to seek to identify anonymous Twitter users

Late last year, I wrote about an abusive subpoena that California Congressman Devin Nunes was pursuing in Virginia state court, seeking to identify the owner of a satirical Twitter account that makes fun of Nunes, referring to his family history in dairy farming, by using the Twitter handle “@Devin Cow” and including various puns referring […]

Can Devin Dodge Dendrite to Doxx and Damage Devin’s Cow?

by Paul Alan Levy In pursuit of his frivolous libel suit against Devin Nunes’ Cow and other defendants in Henrico County, Virginia, Congressman Devin Nunes has served subpoenas on Twitter, on a local political consultant, and on a Richmond law firm, demanding information that would provide the identity of the owner of the Devin Nunes’ Cow […]

How Much Should Mathew Higbee’s Targets Pay to Get Him Off Their Backs?

by Paul Alan Levy Because I have written a few pieces about the excesses of the copyright enforcement campaign conducted by Mathew Higbee and his law firm, Higbee and Associates, for nearly a year now I have been getting a steady stream of calls for help from bloggers and others who have received demand letters […]

DMCA Takedown of Trump Video about Biden: DMCA-abuse silly season begins again

by Paul Alan Levy It always happens during the presidential election season. This year, a bogus DMCA takedown was aimed at a video posted to Twitter by Donald Trump. Promoting his wild conspiracy theories about potential election opponent Joseph Biden, Trump fiddled with the first fifteen seconds of the video for the Nickelback musical number […]

May a company get an injunction to block a defendant from invoking the Streisand Effect?

by Paul Alan Levy The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit recently upheld the rights of litigants to use public pressure to discourage companies from suing them. The issue arose in Bank of Hope v. Chon, when a bank sued one of its departed founders, after an employee who was fired for […]